Animation Testimonial



This showcases my acting skills and authenticity in conveying emotion in a testimonial reed.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah, it just wasn't working. Marriage was harder than we ever imagined It could be way were failing, constantly colliding with new problems and and with one another, I mean, we were surrounded by destruction. We needed help. We needed a lifeline. So I I turned to Stephen, the care coach our company provides through corporate chaplains of America. I mean, knowing this really might be our last hope. I got straight to the point. Um, he answered the phone and I said, My wife and I are having some issues, and I was hoping you'd be willing to help us. Stephen, you got to work right away immediately. I mean, months of counseling. It seemed to be helping until toe One day she left. May God, I didn't want to talk to anyone. I wanted to be alone. I wanted out. It seemed like the fastest way I could stop the hurting was was to end my life. So So that night I walked into the woods behind my house and when carried out my plan like I carried out my plan. But you know what? It turns out my plan wasn't God's plan. My attempted suicide failed. I I woke up, I was still in the woods. I was terrified and confused. Like I felt the desperation again for a lifeline. And now I wanted to talk. The only place I knew to turn to was to call Stephen. I pulled out my phone, I call them. I call them from the woods from the darkness and he listened. No interruptions, no judgment. He just listened. I'm pretty sure I heard the voice of God while I was in the woods when I heard was I'm not done with you yet. Something was already starting to change in my heart.