We have been watching

Profile photo for Seanna Ladd
Not Yet Rated
Movie Trailers


The voice of many demi gods who have been trapped for decades. I did all of the voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We have been watching Flight. So pages wizards with SARS SARS Clerics, Paladins. You used us for our magic. You too betrayed us to I see here you did not realize that by imprisoning us, you would cut your connection to our magic that you would lose what you so desire to do. Steal betrayed. We watched he rebuilt him as you our names into nothing but night matters me. You are a side against your connection to our world for if you could not. That's it. No one. Yeah, but here you have. Yeah. Start of raging in for now is one. It still is. I smell in all nothing. Are you sorry? Everything you have built is taken from you as your empire in wild crash around you was so all that you love pigs and decays in your hand. We have watched you for a decade and now it is almost time has to be free to bring our magic. We shall tremble as you tremble and dance in Europe.