Sean Terrow - Audacious(MASTER

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my demo was featured on uk radio station

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
do anything. Woman like showy, right? Like a motorcycle bike. Public fitted king on a free area. Right, cam blue. Like I get Austria Tried. I stopped to put time. Can you type between good And when you put on a good on Funny funny about Jack Don't punish, Don't punish by in the body Genital Deputy Life lower from the Gunnison. Evita, even woman ever like you. Like for me? Like people should come 1.2 2nd win if I tell me you are virgin, my girl. Where? There Whenever. I bet you did not clothe. Run with it. My girlfriend, would you? Not bad, Kalfin. You would not. Hello. Hello. Hello And no and no. Hello and no end. Hello. And I feel like it before For your glory ALS Torto Arena Take a look. Your body for the King Una Chica Loca Body King Nina Weighing up your body Genuine jeopardy! Life lower from the garden centre Vita Even women like you make me feel like from a guy like skinny people. One point to a second way And if I tell me you are burgeon Tiger Where? Their point I love it when they got food in a bad mood. In a bit of it, whenever you're between the rock Caliphate ruled in a bit. I love it when the bad guys spending. Would you not? Bad California? What Did Not? Pecans and Alex Gordon, four gallons.