Seb's Commercial Demo 1 (British)

Online Ad


I believe my audio library has grown large and diverse enough to warrant a good demo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Introducing in Victor the League of Extraordinary. Hi, I'm John, the new design officer. It's my second week and I'm not very familiar yet with the organizational structure and processes. I have to prepare a drawing according to the design standards for European specifications. My drawing will be approved by my project leader Deep Ali. I'm not sure where to start. What should I do first? So I'm live now. Fabulous. Well, hello. So you want or need to know about fishing? Do you? Well, look no further. They've patrolled our oceans for almost 500 million years. Now, these ancient apex predators are here in Houston Sharks as a top level keynote speaker, corporate culture consultant, and coach Teresa Unica knows how to solve the hardest part of our relationships, the parts that hurt us and make us feel like we aren't good enough. The parts that keep us from living fully in our successful leadership, love and parenting. A gem centuries in the making refined notes of chocolate blend with sandalwood and a brandy that transcends the Census Carlos Juan Legacy collection. A gem polished by legacy every day. Leaders make decisions that affect their teams and the wider business, big or small. Those decisions have real world impact, step into the shoes by playing a game that will test your decision making skills in a competitive real world environment without the real world consequences. Ava development. 37 years of experience are the meaning of authenticity, reliability, excellence, visionary aspiration.