Animation Demo

Profile photo for Siho Ellsmore
Not Yet Rated


Animation demo of Siho Ellsmore

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian Japanese North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
How would I know? Why don't you go ask the bloke? Who knows? A bloke? Who knows a bloke do that and then we can talk. Now bugger off. I need another beer Thorsen. I know your wisdom is beyond reproach and I have always been your obedient daughter, but I cannot marry that man. He is a drunk and a whoremonger. Excuse me all coming through. Whoa! Sorry ma'am in a hurry up. My bad, super late for a very important meeting with big man, santa claus. Look guys, I hate to crush your dreams of buying this super real star trek phaser. But this is monopoly money. I need real money. Haro! Oh this is grandma's phone. I'm not here. River message. Goodbye. How to turn off. Oh, what's for raj yui? He's all that I have, he's all I have left. Please just find him. Oh, it's super easy. If you get the source code, I should be able to decrypt the location by comparing their modular signatures, rerouting the specs, and then we should be able to intercept them before they go to the city and set off the explosion That could end the universe. See easy