Minutia's Most Wanted (Best Fiends) - Video Game Trailer

Profile photo for Shawn Hare
Not Yet Rated


Provided \"Robert Stack\" voice and some of the vocal FX.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Bandit slugs! Look under any rock and you'll find them scheming to commit the most heinous and totally annoying crimes imaginable. Join Sheriff Moose as he hunts down these maniacal molluscs and brings them to justice. This is Minutia's Most Wanted. Todays slippery culprit: the bank-robbing bandit slug of Leafy Grove. Leafy Grove -- it's the peaceful, spiritual home of all fiends. But this calm, pleasant town is about to be defiled by an unwanted visitor from nearby Troubled Peak; a bandit slug lurking across the street from the Leafy Grove Central Bank. The bank robbing bandit slug plots his next diabolical crime. Unlike most slugs, this devious specimen doesn't make his approach from the front. He has sneakier means of infiltration. (Whoop!) Like the smooth master of disguise he is, the ruthless bank robbing bandit slug blends right in until he does what all money-hungry bandit slugs do -- He makes demands. The stickup goes according to his devilish plan. (Mhm!) Then again, slugs aren't very good at planning. Where do you think you're going? (Eh?) Sheriff Moose! Just in time. The bank robbing bandits slug won't give in without a fight. Uh Oh, it looks like Sheriff Moose is about to get his slug. When the dastardly thief shows he has one more trick up his slimy sleeve. Um ... Did anyone noticed that bug bomb ... is about to explode? Oops! Like I said, slugs aren't very good at planning. (Yoowwwww!) The bank robbing bandits slug got away this time, but Sheriff Moose is hot on his trail. And with your help he can catch this, and every other bandit slug and put them away for good. Until next time, on Minutia's Most Wanted.