ELearning Demo with Characters/Scenarios



A growing trend in eLearning products is the adoption of event scenarios and character dialogues/monologs. Three different scenarios are included in this Demo. #COPD #smoking #cyberattack #workplace #employees

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ray is finally using email. That's cool. What's in this attachment, huh? Wonder why she sent a picture of her cat to me at my work email. Young people don't understand email etiquette. I'll just. What the heck just happened. No, no, no, no, no, no. I have a new diagnosis of COPD and have recently started using oxygen for shortness of breath. I've been one pack per day smoker for 40 years. I get frustrated with a long walk to the smoking area because it causes me to have increased shortness of breath. My two problem employees. Well, Bill's a little old school in his life philosophy and doesn't understand how his comments about color and gender are disrespectful. Tia's aggressive when she calls him out on it. And lately has been saying he doesn't fit in with the modern workplace, which is a little ageist.