Just A Short Snippet Of Different Characters

Profile photo for Marcos Rivera-Perez
Not Yet Rated


Was trying hard to come up with a scenario and instead just thought of a quick one. Features a villain and several people talking about the demon lord.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's no way I'm gonna let you take over this world. Not if I can help it. Are you that foolish? Do you not see the power I wield? I can eliminate this planet with a flick of my fingers and you are coming here trying to destroy me. Please don't make this laughable. He's crazy. He's nowhere near the as strong as the Demon Lord. Quite so. But what other chance do we have? He's our only hope he has to do it. This is crazy man. That Demon Lord is super powerful. Known to see him. He got a big wing. He's super strong. There's no way we can beat him. They don't know what you guys are complaining. Let me just get my weapons and I'll take care of this Demon Lord myself. You can take care of the Demon Lord. Please, please. We already have enough comedians here. We don't need another one. If we really want to take home the Demon Lord, we need the Sword of Truth.