Shovanna Pratap Commercial Demo - Believable - Conversational - Real

Profile photo for Shovanna Pratap
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Online Ad


An assortment of commercials with range. Friendly, coy, wry, inspirational, genuine, enthusiastic and real.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We crafted our new ice cream tea by saying no, no to artificial flavors. Yes to antioxidant vitamin C, which means no compromise no to blah. Yes to pure leaf. At Citibank, we empower people who are out to change the world because tomorrow waits for no one and belongs to those who welcome it with open arms city. Welcome. What's next? $36 for one little makeup brush. That's just cruel else, thinks great makeup brushes shouldn't cost more than $6 and be 100% cruelty free. That's the beauty of value. With values four delicious pieces of chocolate, three crisp wafers, two layers of sweet kitkat feeling one incredible break, have a break, have a kitkat, the best thing in the whole wide world, getting out there and exploring the whole wide world, incredible adventures across the globe. Book. Unforgettable travel experiences at get Your Guide dot com.