New King Arguing with Rival Brother

Profile photo for Kyle Kraning
Not Yet Rated


The King of a wealthy kingdom was killed by assassins and now the stuck up first born prince takes the throne and now the brother confronts the new king about the mysterious circumstances surrounding their father's death.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is not like the old days anymore. Brother, I am king now I am the king of a father's kingdom. Oh, dear father, why did you have to get struck by arrows tied to a horse on a boat and get shot on fire and also find out that there's poison your system and we still don't know who did it. Unknown parties. They truly are unknown and truly devious parties. I will find those killers one of these days, brother. But today is not that day. Today is a day. We must value our dear kingdom. Our father's kingdom is designed to be looked after rather than you know, left aside to the peasants. We must act as Royals to ensure our kingdom, stability and power is absolute. So no one undermines us, said any single turn and you will pay for any incidents you may have brought to me today. How dare you call yourself my brother. You'll pay for your incident and you will pay for giving me. I'll bring up another time and I'll send you the bill.