Alien Dad

Profile photo for Simon Momber
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Alien Dad for a short story

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
behold the wonders of third planet of for the general welfare of the galactic community of free individuals, confirmed Doofus is must be photon sealed before they could develop fusion technology. It slows the speed of light around, so these primitives can never escape their star system to harm others. It doesn't technically hurt anyone. But no, honey, I'm putting my tentacle down. They will only pretend to listen to buy time to steal your drone suits, fusion power core, giving them interstellar flight. Okey dokey. Photon seal, ready to go just one more button and she's jamming me. Honey young larvae turn your jammer off right this instant, what they will do is shoot you and your plan with their barbarians projectile devices. No, I'm the one that ran into their stupid Voyager probe. I hate it when she uses our own or logic against us. I can't believe it senses show that you are apparently a hero of their embryonic video communications platform, something they call Youtube.