Education - Chemical Management (Clear, Friendly, Knowledgable)



The brief was to present in a Ted-Ed style to make educational material accessible and interesting.

Recorded and Produced in my Home Studio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
per Floren. Ated chemicals are the key ingredient in many stained water and Greece repellent coatings that make outdoor jackets watertight and frying pans non sticky. These chemicals consists of long molecules that contain carbon chains surrounded by flooring. That bond between carbon and flooring is incredibly tight. They interact so strongly with each other that the normal into molecular forces that cause substances to stick to each other don't stand a chance. While some types of PFC are either safe or well controlled, others freely enter our environment. And because PFCs are highly persistent, they can travel over great distances through water, air and soil. This means that once they enter the environment, PFCs do not disintegrate quickly and are therefore here to stay. We started using PFCs in the 19 fifties, and by now you can find them in remote areas around the world, like the Arctic and in glacial lakes. And even in our food, these chemicals appeared tohave toxic effects on living organisms, and once they enter a human body, they may stay upto 1000 days in the bloodstream, from where they can harm a developing foetus or even cause cancer. There is still a lot that we need to understand about Pierre sees. CYCM offers governments, industry, the science community and NGOs a platform to share and expand their knowledge, learn about environmentally sound alternatives and together strive for adequate legislation and technological innovation. Cycm working towards a chemical safe world together