Book reading



The demo is just to show my voice for pre satictaory conduct for clint purposes. it's a random book I picked to read but a good one

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Nigerian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
for them. A papa This I'm reading from the book titled Born Tto Win by David. We did a Nigerian pastor just e part of chapter one. There is war. The first thing you must understand is that you're engaged in this pre trial warfare. If you do not know this, you have no right to victory. There is need for a bottle fight or competition before there can be a winner on a loser as the winner does not emerge from a node. Well, situation, this knowledge is important for your victory. It would be ridiculous for you to claim to be victorious over no one. When you talk off being a winner ofthe victim, it means about who was fought. There are many indications off these in the Bible. It is odd to see many believers live on work without a sense ofthe war. The art piece on that is why they are constantly