Commercial/PSA Voice over Demo

Television Ad


In this demo I have three different types of commercial voice overs. PSA, seductive and for kids.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Brittney Skye Commercial voiceover demo Crayola color wonder markers. Color only on special paper so your kids can express their creativity more often in more places with less mess Crayola color Wonder It starts with Crayola. I'll tell you a secret, seductive, tempting and irresistibly smooth. Only a chocolate. This pure could last this long on my lips, fall to your knees and savor the taste of Benzene. E salted caramel. Swirl my secret my pensione. Each year, approximately 800,000 people die by suicide. That's 800,000 people whose voices weren't heard. 800,000 people who were blamed for nothing they did wrong. 800 1000 people who were screaming to be heard. Stand up for mental health, shout out for mental health. You are not alone. You are not had fault.