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PUM Netherlands Remote Coaching video

Vocal Characteristics




British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. I am a representative from Palm Netherlands, senior experts, whom is a Dutch organisation that dispatches experienced entrepreneurs to assist small and medium sized enterprises in 35 countries around the world. Over the past 40 years, our volunteers generally visited the companies in person. But in the face of covid, we have developed a new service based on remote coaching. What exactly does that mean? Remote coaching? Given the fact that at present we are not able to visit our clients on site, we have developed a method of offering practical advice remotely. Poem can call upon a large pool of former entrepreneurs who are all experts in their professional field. Almost nothing surprises them, and their goal is to provide valuable solutions to help your business grow sustainably. Wow, that sounds great. But how does it work? You reach agreement with the poem expert on when and how you contact one another via video call or WhatsApp email, et cetera. If the expert discovers during the process that his or her knowledge is insufficient, then he or she can call other poem experts for their advice. Remote coaching means that perm experts can respond rapidly and effectively it goes without saying that any support we offer is given in confidence. Pum works with entrepreneurs with international experience who enjoy helping fellow entrepreneurs grow their business. I like the idea that the service is flexible and can be completed in a relatively short period of time of about two months. You can discuss with me the challenges facing your business so that I can use the relevant information to find a suitable expert as soon as we have together identified the ideal match. Remote coaching can be started without delay. What a great idea. This will certainly help me grow my business When can we schedule an appointment?