Character Animation Demo



This demo showcases a diverse range of characters, from a creepy, middle-aged career criminal man, scary witch, urban cool characters with spunk and attitude, evil queen and warrior princess, authoritative and confident characters, to friendly game instructors.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, you look at the trouble begins. Please. Goto **** living in the deep for so wrong. You know what sense beer Lighten fear. Also crave blood and souls. Well done on a successful mission, Commander. Coordinates accepted. Please confirm Boyz Two men. It'll confirmed navigating. I'm no warrior. I did not to get mixed up in all of this. I feel for you and your people. But I just don't see why you need me. All right, I'll cut to the side. Go around back. Whichever one of us gets him, holds him there until back up arrives. We can't afford to let him get away. I'm warning you, you might have a really fight on your hands, so be careful. I know we just met, but I might be the Onley Help. You've got my name's Harlow. But you can call me Harley and I'll be happy to go on this journey with you. Now let's go. What? This ***** doesn't want me. Oh, it's time to bake a *****. Where in the universe have you been? I sent you out on a very delicate mission in exchange for your pathetic, meaningless life. Do you not recall our arrangement, You couldn't have fallen further from being back in my good graces. I no longer need. Your intel always has multiple means. Let the hyenas loose my baby's head over to the weapons room to choose a weapon for your mission. You have selected a weapon. I'll brief you on your latest mission. U E o you at the finish line.