Spoon Character Demo



Detective Dan Diamond and his pal Sticky take on cases from the troubled housewife Sheila, wealthy financier Diego Escarcega, and an Aussie hit by a car.
This short exhibits a variety of characters that could appear in animated projects, commercials, audiobooks, and more.
Spoon voices all characters

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence) Spanish (Castilian)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
day and diamond Private, I actually, this one's my private eye. This one will look at anything. I was working late at the office. Actually, I couldn't leave because I couldn't find my shoe. And suddenly she stumbled through the door eyes. This yours? Ah, my shoe. I've been looking all over for that. Here, let me help you. What are you? J and Diamond? The private eye? It's made. Actually. This one's my private. I never mind that. What can I do for you? It's my husband. Sometimes he disappears for days at a time. What does your husband dio? He's a magician. Sounds pretty serious. A disappearing magician. You're coffee, Mr Diamond? My coffee Sticky. You went out for coffee this morning at 705 It's almost a PM. I took the wrong train for 12 hours. I took it twice. Never mind that sticky. We've got a case. This lady's husband keeps pulling a Houdini on his curfew. Is it possible that he's unfamiliar with the local rail system? Ah, Dan Diamond, my friend. So good to see you. Have we met? No, but I see your billboard. I am Diego. Is car Sega on? If need of your detective services sticky. Sign him up for next Tuesday. I'm on another case right now. Diego. Dan can see you next Tuesday. Diego, let me show you what trained not to take. What would you like? This cup of cold coffee? A cold coffee. My favorite. What about my husband? Who disappeared? Well, tell him I can't see him. I've been hit by a car. You're in the wrong place, pal. The ambulance chaser is a block up the street. I could drive you. I have nice car with the rich Corinthian leather. Or you could take a train. But don't take that one. Tune in next week to Dan Diamond. Private eye. When we hear Sheila say, Dan, you forgot your shoe.