Spoon Commercial Demo

Radio Ad


With 7 different commercial styles, this demo features an inviting dining spot, a military recruiting call, a humorous furniture warehouse announcer, a casual optician testimonial, a charity plea, a fun amusement park ad, and a local bank commercial. Ideal for radio, tv, and podcast advertising.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
from great food to an inviting atmosphere. Village Tavern is your meeting place for intimate dinners, business lunches and family outings. It's not just the ships, the armor for the aircraft. It's something Mawr. It's the determination to win. Found inside every Marine come on down to bit Clemens. Human furniture. We don't just sell furniture. We are the furniture. I had my LASIK done it sharp vision. The process was simple and painless. One minute total for both eyes. Now I see better than 2020. Nearly half of all deaths and Children under five are due to under nutrition. 17,000 Children die every day. Please help feed the Children. American Bank and trust is your community bank way. Serve you like family because this is our home to banking locally. Makes a difference. Acres of fun for everyone. Ride the all new giant sky wheel in the world's fastest, longest roller coaster. There's fun for the entire family