Steve Freedman - LJ Ultra - Texas country friendly

Radio Ad


Supplement commercial with country music singer Clint Black

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
don't let your age keep you from being the man you need to be turned back. The Clock with Al J Ultra Al J Ultra is the ultimate men's health formula, with ingredients that boost energy and improve free testosterone levels. LJ Ultra really works just as country music star Clint Black. I lead a busy life like everyone. I lose energy. I get tired. I'm not sure I can keep going, but that's in the past. Now. LJ ultra changed everything for me. Al J Alter can change everything for you to call 805 695699 h doesn't need to slow you down anymore. Boost your energy and improve your free testosterone levels without a prescription. I know the people who care about me. Most are counting on me, so I'm smart about what I put in my body. And while I may not always make it to the gym or the salad bar, I won't go without LJ. Ultra. Try Andrzej Ultra Risk free now. Call 805 695699 That's 805. 695699 805 695699