Mize Commercial Character Versatile Friendly Inspire Luxury Modern Fun

Television Ad


Character (and realistic) angle: Conversational - Believable - Genuine - Articulate - Engaging - Sincere - Confident - Surfer - Southern - Texas - Relatable - Spokesperson - Narrator - Storyteller - Authentic - Comedy - Empathetic - Informative - Knowledgeable - Charismatic - Intelligent - Cool

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
and though we can't get you a record deal or talent contract, we're proud to offer 1000 Californians a big break of our own, the brand new special edition California Jetta, the all new 2018 many and find out for yourself why it's not just whip tastic handling and giddy up. It's also a ridiculous value to from our stands for independence too are drawn lines of individualism. We marched our way to equality and famed all fear of the unknown. Most people tune out radio commercial. So let's just cut to the quick. The 2018 mini cooper gets 40 highway miles to the gallon because music can make us scream coo coo ca choo and mean it the proven push the hydrate er of champions, the original Gatorade calcium for her bones and protection for her skin. At Walgreens. You can find the answers to live a little healthier too when I eat a great tomato, my thoughts, feelings, cells. They're all focused on the sense of taste. Now there's a new way to lose weight, shed fat and achieve the lean, sexy body you've always wanted. And best of all, it's actually fun that, mind us, we think control is a good principle when it comes to car repair as well.