Character Demo



From heroes to villains, young and old, sarcastic to serious, a collection of just some of the possible characters I have.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) North American (General) North American (US Mid-Atlantic) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey guys, I know the world is in constant peril. But what's so important? You got to ring the hero alarm this early in the morning early. It's 10 30. Crime. Never sleeps and you shouldn't either. You're a disgrace to heroes everywhere. Whoa, clint. That's no way to talk to a teammate. If we're gonna overcome this peril, we'll have to do it together. Also can you please stop smoking? It's bad for my asthma. Yeah. You tell them little bro. This is a no smoking zone dude, don't you read the signs enough bickering. We've got a crisis on our hands. My guys, the pentagon gathered some intel and apparently in Professor nefarious has reassembled the foul for what we don't know why this could mean the destruction of life as we know it. Meanwhile, at the foul of four hideout. Hey boss, why are we here again? It's so early boy. For the last time we've been summoned. I don't know why so quit asking me. And also 1030 is not that early. Captain red beard. I thought I heard screaming. You look well. Well. Well, well it looks as if the gang's all here. I wonder why it is nefarious brought us here who I hope it's to take over the world. Honestly, I just wanted to see if you guys wanted to hang out. Maybe have a few beers Jessica left me so I've been feeling very vulnerable. Well, guess got awkward. Yeah