Cloudpunk - Danya - Character, Quirky, Philosophical, Amusing (Indian/Pakistani Accent)



Danya, a quirky, philosophical character with a South Asian (Indian/Pakistani) accent from the video game Cloudpunk.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General) Pakistani


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
pass it here. Let's see. Oh, my music. Nor not at all. This is a game and old one at that. Where did you find it? No, I don't believe it. Oh, yes. This was played on a spectrum home computer. 48 k You needed an interface to make the joystick work, Camp, stand or protect. Otherwise you had to play on the rubber keys. It's like this. You see, You put this step into a tape recorder. First and long ago, information was stored on magnetic tapes. We see the strips year, these one round play heads or something like that. No one was exactly how it operated now. But we can feed this into our comprehend er and it gives us execute herbal code. Oh, yes. It would take a long time to upload the data to memory. And the execute herbal data itself is Jaime. It's hard to comprehend how our progenitors managed to work within such strict memory constraints. I'm interested in the technology. Sure, but what really fascinates me is this game you control the little sprite. You walked along a street and you punched. Everyone came across. We believe these old games were deeply symbolic. Like Sisyphus with Iraq, we collectors believe so. I think every one of these classic games can teach us a lesson. Metaphorically. It is telling us that we cannot simply fight urban the K through physical force. You see, in this game, when you when you start again. So through the game we learn that the violence is entertainment. But the creator of the game six to tell us that violence is also pointless. This plenty of other street vendors who are collected like me. One of them. Old Sinclair. He died last week. And you're not really allowed to on this stuff. If cops catches you, he was in his own. It fell into the sea last month. You should keep your eye out for more of these. They may be scattered all over the city. Assure. Well, as long as you keep it quiet. In fact, I can even show you this one if you like. It has a two player mode. We can punch people in the street together.