Animation Demo with character voices, English speaking female



I worked with Mark Graue who coached and produced this demo. I chose the voices and composed the original song.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I don't understand all this talk about social media when I was a little girl. All we had to worry about was ice cream socials and social studies. Now. Who wants a snickerdoodle? Can I still say that you bet your science project is going to lose Amberleigh because you're a loser. And I just put super glue all over the inside of your weight. I put it on my project. No, I could tell the farmer likes the way I fixed up my home. He said it looks like a pigsty. You know what? It is a pigsty. He's so smart. There is good in all of us, my dear. Sometimes it is hidden and we must be very kind to one another to find it inside. Each of us. There is a place where kindness lives. Most everyone is alive. Bye and maybe trick or treat why. Hello Children. You all look so plump and juicy. I mean cute and lovely. Now get off my porch before I turn you all into toads. We have to get past Gertrude attack. So here's the plan. Run really fast and don't stop. That's it. Well, you did