Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the Ford F 1 50 makes tough task. Look easy, whether it's working on the job or heading out on a weekend recreation. F 1 50 outperforms every other truck in its class class leading capability Ford F 1 50 They shattered the mold with Mountain Dew ice. Now they're doing it again with Mountain Dew Ice Cherry. Do the do welcome to the big screens Super retina in two sizes, including the largest display ever on an iPhone. Even faster face I. D. IPhone 10 *** Future is now introducing the all new sport. Max Q. Four. A bold tire, a bold look and bold performance for bold riders leaning into the curves up to 62 degrees sport Max Q. Four from done Law. Corona was born at the beach surrounded by ocean. We believe that life is better lived with salty air in our lungs and sand beneath our toes. It's where we feel at home