The Uncommon Minister Audiobook Voice Over

Profile photo for Taiye Elisha
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This sample gives the reader knowledge about Jesus Christ and the importance of preaching the Gospel of Christ to others. There are also several scriptures from the Bible which were read clearly and precisely to show the importance of the scriptures as they relate to Jesus Christ.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
for benefits emerge when you become an expert on one topic. Number one, your confidence toward God will multiply his word, throbs with strength. Energy and joy. Every word he speaks will breathe a new energy into your ministry, unparalleled by anything else. You do. Number two. Your confidence towards your own dreams and goals will increase knowledge, makes you comfortable. Knowledge increases your confidence about everything you do. Number three others will receive your ministry with increased confidence as you as your people listen to the word of God point from your lips. They will become excited about your ability to help them and increase the knowledge of God. Number four, your knowledge of others, subject your knowledge of other subjects will instantly increase. For example, when you study angels, you will discover Lucifer and demon spirits. X Angels dethroned by God. When you study faith, you will learn so much about prayer, the secret place and the intercession ministry of jesus. When you study the Holy Spirit, you will fall in love with jesus more than ever. Master one Topic in the Bible, it is one of the secrets of the uncommon minister. Chapter Two. Treasure. The call to preach. You are more than a spiritual administer administrator, You are more than the ceo of a church. You are more than a counselor. Your assignment from God is to preach preach until chains fall off captives present preach until disease is destroyed. Preach until the power of God falls Paula embraced his calling to preach. Where until I am appointed a preacher and an apostle and the teacher of the gentiles. Second timothy, chapter one verse 11 11 facts about preaching. Number one preaching is how God manifests his word, but hat and do times manifested his word through preaching, which is committed unto me, titus. Chapter one verse three Number two, preaching persuades holding fast the faithful word as he had been taught, that he may be able by sound doctor in biotechs sort and to convince the game Steyer's Titus. Chapter one verse nine Number three, preaching protects men from the judgments and wrath of the Holy God, knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade we persuade men. 2nd Corinthians chapter 5: verse 11.