Fundamentals Of Anatomy And Physiology Audiobook Voice Over

Profile photo for Taiye Elisha
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This sample gives the listener an educational background on specifically what a colloid is, what a suspension is, and the different features of hydrogen ions. My contribution to this sample is to read this sample in an educational format where the listener is able to learn more scientifically.

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
colloids and suspensions. Body fluids may contain large and complex organic molecules such as proteins and protein complexes that are held in solution by their association with water molecules. A solution containing dispersed proteins or other large molecules is called the cold Lloyd liquid gel. O is a familiar viscous thick cole Lloyd. The particles or molecules in a cold Lloyd will remain in solution indefinitely. A suspension contains large particles in solution. If undisturbed, these particles will settle out of solution due to the force of gravity, stirring beach sand into a bucket of water creates a temporary suspension that will last only until the sand settles to the bottom. Whole blood is another temporary suspension because the blood cells are suspense in the blood plasma. If clotting is prevented, the cells in the blood sample will gradually settle to the bottom of the container, measuring that settling rate or a sedimentation rate is a commonly laboratory test. Chapter two, Section 7. Body fluid ph is vital for homeostasis. A hydrogen atom involved in a chemical bond or participating in a chemical reaction can easily lose its electron to become a hydrogen. Iron hydrogen ions are extremely reactive in solution and excessive numbers. They will break chemical bonds, change the shapes of complex molecules and generally disrupt cell and tissue functions As a result, the concentration of hydrogen ions and body fluids must be regulated precisely A few hydrogen ions are normally present even in a sample of pure water because some of the water molecules dissociates spontaneously releasing stations and onions. The decision this dissociation of water is a reversible reaction that can be represented as H20 equals hydrogen, plus hydrogen ions.