Character Voices Part 1

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This demo is a sample of my vocal and character versitility.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is Hanukkah, Harry fit an important message for the entire Jewish community. The Super Jews, this semi Jews, even the pseudo Jews who only consider yourselves Jew ish. Name is Borders. I am yet authorised by Soviet space program toe talk to anyone who doesn't yet over bananas. Oh, our land lover names Ocana doing a thirst meaty. Got anything to drink their You know, most guys talk about their biggest musky. Like that time you caught a perch. But when you tell the story, it's a marlin. You don't take a man by storm, but you do have a certain spirit. Okay, everyone, this is our first wine tasting in the evening Earth. What's your impression? Okay. Re be, Yes. Rense Berries, vanilla, a little Citrus. I'm starting toe. Understand the source. Hey, it's me. Scary ghost roaming the Earth for all eternity, which is in its great as it sounds. Trust me, especially in the Nebraska part. But who? It's mad now. Who shall have the last laugh? 00 that hurts