Video Narration


Combination of several demos combined into one

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Do you remember parasailing off the coast of Jamaica? The way the water sparkled below a beautiful green blue gradient of ocean. The rush of the wind lifting you as you are literally flying the sound of the air gliding against the silken canopy of your sale. Do you remember? No. Make memories for your senses. Travel we all belong. Movement helps kids from around the world to get access to quality education. We believe that every child belongs in school learning and dreaming their days towards a brighter future. Join us today by visiting our website and helping us make their dreams a reality. This is your story. Explore the wild set course for the unknown. Harvest the earth. Find your voice. Trust your ideas When you're down, Keep looking up. Find new worlds. Never stop dreaming and always belief. Yeah, it's that time of year you've all been waiting for The exotic Pet parade is here this Saturday. Bring your lizards, iguanas and rare birds to strut their stuff at the fifth annual Market Circle Exotic Pet Parade or just come and watch all the action. All sizes and kinds of pets are welcome. Just be sure to register online at separate dot com. First, we feed our Rufus Nature Special menu, all natural dog food with no artificial colors or flavors. I know that we're treating him as well as he treats us nature. Special menu, all natural dog food found in your major department store.