Demo Reel 2021

Video Narration


Demo Reel of conversational, real person, girl next door

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
what's as big as an elephant stink like a skunk and can see in the dark, find out next on discovery Kids. My child has quite an imagination. His teachers say that someday he'll be doing great things right now. He's already an architect, a designer and engineer. I think he's a creative genius. And thanks to legos the creative building toy, there's just no limit to what he can do. It's that time of year you've all been waiting for. The exotic pet parade is here this saturday. Bring your lizards, iguanas and rare birds to strut their stuff at the fifth annual market circle, exotic pet parade or just come and watch all the action. You don't think much about it. You never dwell on how it was made. It's just a blanket after all. But when everything else has been lost, the comfort it provides is immeasurable. Meet Ricky, this is his neighborhood, creating a brighter future for Ricky and many other kids like him, starts with giving them a safe place to play at Edison. We are partnering with nonprofits to build parks in our communities that need them life powered by Edison