Ray Bradbury A Sound Of Thunder

Profile photo for Ted Lerner
Not Yet Rated


This audiobook narration showcases my narrating style plus my ability to perform voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a sound of thunder by Ray Bradbury. The sign on the wall seemed to quiver under a film of sliding warm water. Echols felt his eyelids blink over his stare, and the sign burned in this momentary darkness. Warm flame gathered in eccles throat. He swallowed and pushed it down. The muscles around his mouth formed a smile as he put his hands slowly out upon the air. And in that hand waved a check for $10,000 to the man behind the desk. Does this Safari guarantee I come back alive? We guarantee nothing, said the official, except the dinosaurs. He turned. This is mr Travis, your Safari guide in the past. He'll tell you what and where to shoot if he says no shooting, no shooting. If you disobey instructions, there's a stiff penalty of another $10,000 plus government action on your return echoes glanced across the vast office at a mass, entangle a snaking and humming of wires and steel boxes at an aurora that flickered now orange, now silver, now blue. There was a sound like a gigantic bonfire burning all of time. All the years and all the parchment calendars, All the hours piled high and set aflame unbelievable echoes, breathe the light of the machine on his thin face. A real time machine. He shook his head. Makes you think if the election had gone back sadly yesterday, I might be here now running away from the results. Thank God keith one. He'll make a fine President of the United States. Yes, said the man behind the desk. We're lucky if deutscher had gotten in, it would have been worse. There's an anti everything man for you. A militarist, anti human, anti intellectual people called us up, you know, joking, but not joking. Said if Deutscher became president, they wanted to go live in fort 1992. Of course it's not our business to conduct escapes, but to form safaris. Anyway, keith's president. Now all you gotta worry about is shooting my dinosaur echoes, finished it for him. A tyrannosaurus rex, The tyrant lizard, the most incredible monster in history. Sign this release. Anything happens to you. We're not responsible. Those dinosaurs are hungry, echoes, flushed anger, trying to scare me. They move silently across the room, taking their guns with them toward the machine, toward the Silver Medal in the roaring light. First a day and then a night and then a day and then a night. Then it was day night, day night, a week, a month, a year, a decade, A. D. 2055 A. D. 2019 1999 1957. Gone. The machine roared