Narrative Samples

Video Narration


Biblical Proportions; Life of a Lizard; The Original Disruptors; YouTube Personality

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Heaven Before time began, a heralding Angel caused to the four winds beckoning to the angelic host to the courts of Heaven. The father waits eager to reveal his planned new creations, a majestic earth streaming with light and life, and man masterfully made in his image, Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer, Three arc angels, each bestowed with immense authority and power, are commissioned with scrolls of instruction, each given their duty to fulfill. It's Lucifer alone who struggles with his new position, eager for a crown of his own. He will now have to watch as man is elevated. Instead, jealousy rips through his heart. Pride and ambition consuming him, determined to rule, Lucifer, usurped the crown irrevocably winning host to his evil. Together they forsake heaven, Rage and revenge at God and man. Now they're only pursuit. But even in the darkness there is light. Creation cannot be stopped. You are lizard, and you have a lizard brain. You don't know what's important. All you know is the pain of the sun and next to you on the sand is the result of the most pain you've ever felt. And it looks like the sun. Now it's just you and the egg until one day it cracks, cracked like an egg disrupter. Sounds like a new word. Huh? But let me tell you for all of us here at Remax holdings disruption is nothing new 1973. A time when the only constant in America is changed enter these guys, the original disruptors, we upended the real estate industry shattering an outdated commission model and empowering agents to dream bigger and once we started shaking things up, well, we just couldn't stop disruption has been a part of our culture ever since. We've never settled for business as usual. We'd rather ask questions. Big ones. What's up? Youtube getting busted by security. Oh, so high. Leave a comment saying this guy should lose his J. O. B. Job. You guys are so cancelled.