Corporate and Industrial Samples

Video Narration


For internal usage and training purposes.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
to fight for every bucket, every rebound, every loose ball. There's a cause there's a brotherhood and there is a love of the game that makes every point matter that much more. That makes playing for the logo on the front of the jersey. More important than the name on the back 99 designs by Visa Print is proud to be an official design partner of TBT and whatever dream you're chasing. Meet Sam, loving husband, caring father and owner of SaM's heating and cooling. LLC. SaM is not happy having been on hold with dealer order management for over two hours. SaM is going to be working late, I'm having to work late again. Meanwhile at home it's dinner time. Sam was finally able to place his order but now has to catch up on his other work. It keeps piling up and SAm is exhausted at last. He calls it a day, but when he gets home his house is dark and quiet. My kids are in bed sound asleep buddy of mine just told me about a job in Indianapolis hits enticing. It's a bit of a pay increase. Good point K. He stops definitely important and I'm fully vested. Is that money forfeit if I leave? So I'll still get what's in there now? Ooh that's a lot to think about. K. He is such a great place to work and I really want to retire with some money set aside. There's a fishing boat with my name on it at home tax we've seen the real estate industry grow and evolve. Now there are a number of tools to help agents manage clients and listings securely signed documents and even automatically scheduled tools. But do you still find yourself manually updating and reprinting marketing materials, consistently answering the same questions or looking for new ideas to take listings to the next level. It's time for something better. Procurement is the lifeblood of every business. The equipment, ingredients, supplies and even people that make a business work. All need to be found managed and paid for intelligence, spend. Management from S. A. P. Gives you more visibility and control over spending into end and in the cloud. So your people have what they need to do what they do best together. Intelligence been management from S. A. P. Together works, learn more at S. A. P. Dot com slash procurement together In business boring is good. It means expected things going according to plan, fully predictable, which is just so 2019. But what happens when the world becomes fully unpredictable, defined by disruption, upheaval and change.