

This demo features several accents I've polished over the years, using copy I wrote myself! Here are the accents, in order, as the unfold in the demo: British, Australian, Russian, Irish and Scottish.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian British (General) Russian


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mary Martin accent Demo. Jim I'ma It's your mother Amon is also just do you want, man? I told you not to call me at work. But I did speak to me like that. Jim, I'm ahead. A **** on Mom's called their daughters at work, you know? Yes, Member. Not all daughters work in outer space. You are really work in space, dear. For your information, ma'am, I am in outer space right now conducting some very important work on a pornography satellite. Good. A bartender. Could I get two shots of tequila Place? Sure thing, lad. Levodopa that to Kayla. Taste awful. Ripe. Well, of course it tastes harsh, lad. It's a short to Kayla, not birthday cake. Mom. Bush Nayak Police best of vodka. It would be my pleasure, Comrade Ma Bush me up. This vodka taste, Vickers. And in food species that is my mistake, comrade. I mixed up the labels on these bottles. Mark my words, lads, if I'm going to die, have it be drone in a pint of Guinness. Miranda died that way and meet at my mom says this way I'm going to go. If I'm going to die, it will be from listening to a lot of you talk about death. He poured to death. I watch Mark my words, lads, If I'm going to die, it'll be drowned in a pint. Hugus me Grandad died that way and be Dad May Mama says I'll be next. If anyone here that'll die, it'll be me from listening to the lot of youse talk about death. It'll bore me to death. It would.