Phil Gold Business Demo

Video Narration


This is a short video describing some of the features and benefits of using the Ultimate Forms tool. The video is available on Infowise Solutions' home page and YouTube.

Just as a by the way - I wrote and performed the background music, too!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
SharePoint is a popular platform, and a well designed SharePoint site can be a powerful business solution. But using SharePoint out of the box can often be a bit frustrating. There are gaps in functionality and some things you just can't do without time consuming development or the use of complicated third party tools. Luckily in flies, ultimate Forms is here to make your life easier. Info wise. Ultimate Forms is a no code platform that makes it fast and simple to develop advance business applications using just your browser. Its flexibility lets you add features and functionality using an intuitive form based interface. Just select the options in the menus. No programming required info Wise Ultimate Forms has three main areas of functionality forms and foreign permissions. Business logic and reporting and display info wise allows you to create easy to configure forms. They're not only attractive but also provide riel life business functionality with dynamic features built in. You can start automating your processes to increase speed and cut down errors. Advanced permissions let you decide who can read, edit or even delete data with info wise, you can even control this at the field level. Info wise associated items lets you build parent and child relationships between lists. You can even add multiple detail lines in a form something you just can't do in SharePoint out of the box info. Wise business logic functions Blow the roof off of limited SharePoint work flows and alerts. Actions perform a wide variety of tasks, such as adding or updating records, flexible importing or exporting of data, creating folders or sites. Almost 20 different functions with more coming all the time. And you said the action timing You set the conditions all with a simple menu based interface. Info. Wise alerts lets you create customized messages for a wide variety of events and give you a wide range of options that control how they're sent and to whom they go. Info Wise also ramps up your ability to provide reporting and visual indicators on your site, including graphs, charts, countdowns, KP eyes set up and ready in minutes. And wherever you are in the in flies tool, you're connected to useful context specific tutorials that show you just what to do. Step by step. Overall info Wise Ultimate forms is a complete package that provides all the capabilities you need to build comprehensive business solutions at a fraction of the time and effort fast and easy with no code required. Download your 30 day trial today and see what ultimate forms conduced for you.