Meditation From The Word

Video Narration


Authentic, conversational, Christian voice for podcast or video.

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome to this edition of meditation from the word in the vineyard. I'm Theresa cross the Vikings media dot com. The word for this monday is taken from Matthew 11 versus 28 through 30 from the message. Are you tired, worn out, burnt out on religion? Come to me, get away with me and you'll recover your life? I'll show you how to take a real rest, walk with me and work with me, Watch how I do it, learn the unforced rhythms of grace, I won't lay anything heavy or ill fitting on. You keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly. So are you tired? Are you worn out? Let's take a couple of deep breaths together. So breathe in and breathe out, breathe in and breathe out, breathe in and breathe out. That breathing is not as much as a meditation as a recalibration of your brain. So let's talk. Do you feel like you're in a sea of trouble? Can you learn the unforced rhythms of grace when the ways of life crash in? Where do you go? You may feel too much pain has smashed in on you right now. I'm sorry, I know what that feels like, emotions of recent hurt, abuse or betrayal. Has you in a chaotic mess, leaving you in dark waters of tears and isolation. You may feel that no sooner do you rise above the wave for air. The next wave slams you down and you end up hurt with sand in your mouth devastation for what has happened, freezes your faith one too many tidal waves with massive winds have hit the sales of your hope and dreams. You may even start to sabotage the goodness of God coming in because you have trouble forgiving yourself. It's good to cry. I'm glad you can be real. I hear you, I hear you. I'm sorry. You have to face this trial of gut wrenching proportions. But get this, I see you coming out of this mess with a message. I see from the agony comes your destiny as you rise up in your identity. I see gold in you amidst of fire. Of the process. Process, my friend think of it. This way is all about your intimate relationship with God. You're not defined, but what's in your past, but what God has deposited in your spirit. He put christ in you, he is there to pick you up, carry you and love you forward. The weaves will not always slam you down. I think God is asking you to float with him and ride the wave. He sees the breakers of the sea storms that are throwing you down. God is my dear First he is asking you to float to totally trust him. Dex. He wants to show you how to surf, come to him and hand over all these troubles and worries from sky to see he is there to pull you up and out of any struggle. Walk with him as he studies you with his word of promises. So that's what I feel God is saying to you on this monday walk with him, friend? Keep in step as he steadies you with his promises and his everlasting love. The Son of God is always shining on you. He's coming out from the clouds of your circumstance. He is breaking forth. Now you reflect so much of his glory. Everyone around. You will have to put sunglasses on because you shine. You reflect the resplendent since of his majesty. You mirror heaven, ride that wave, friend. Or float. No matter he has you in the vine. You carry peace because peace, jesus lives in you. Let's take another deep breath and do some declarations. Breathe in. Hold it for four and breathe out again, breathe in. Mhm. Hold it for four. And breathe out, breathe in, Hold it for four seconds and breathe out. So are you ready to make a declaration? And then let's listen to the vine dresser after this. The declaration, I want you to say this. I have strengthened God to endure any overload on me trying to take me out of the vineyard. Whether it's from work or family issues. Listen to the vine dresser, I see you in my child. The wear and tear from your daily struggles is wearing you down. See storms are up. Yes, I see them wild and roaring with thunderous breakers throwing you headfirst into the sand. I am stronger than wild sea storms. Child might er than the storm breakers! The father goes on to say, will you float while I carry you? Now? That means come to me with all your cares and demands from others and be robed with my presence in that quiet place in the vineyard. I will show you my face, reveal my tenderness and love and manifests a true strength to fill you with hope. I see you child from sky to see ever ready to pull you out of the ocean of overloading turmoil. The waves are not stronger than me. I rule surging with strength. I rule surging with strength. I'm gonna say it again from my vineyard. Ever ready to come to the rescue of one. My lovers walk with me now keep in step as I steady you with my word. I promise my everlasting love for you in the vine love the vine dresser. So this is your word. If it resonates, go ahead, rewind and play it again. Thank you for enjoying this edition of meditations from the word in the vineyard. Subscribe on apple, share it. Review it. It's our hope that this will be a way to start your monday week with glory because the vine dresser loves you. So, thanks for subscribing and thanks for writing a review. I'll talk to you next monday in the vine. Yeah. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah