Video Narration


This is one of the projects developed for my senior thesis. My senior thesis consisted of auditioning, being part of, and creating projects that showcased my creative abilities. This is a reel of my work reviewed by professors, professional actors, and directors.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
We've all felt a little cooped up this past year, haven't we? So why don't we celebrate the simple beauty of being human? What inspires the work of all these creators from the games that take years to make to the videos that are created every day. Santa might be late this year. Happy holidays from jackpot party. No, Welcome to the apology Boston in our challenging escape games. Each team has 60 minutes to reach the end of the room by finding clues and solving puzzles. But before we get to the feared a fast paced comedy, what's your dramatic appetite with cutting quips and dangerously sharp characters all packed into a small cluttered kitchen, loves motorcycles. Back in the day, he was cruising down the highway when boom Lightness puts a tree ahead of him, he guns it and zooms underneath the tree before it hits the ground and that's how we got the light discover Gloucester's new plan. Your visit tool is your virtual travel guide, explore the rich maritime heritage of sailing and schooners on America's oldest working waterfront. Start planning today online