


Documentary narration for the United States' first female Governor, Wyoming's Esther Hobart Morris.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Wyoming can claim many firsts for women from the right to vote to the first female governor, and it all began with Esther Hobart Morris. In what must have been a moment of great irony, Morris was appointed the nation's first female justice of the peace in 18 70 to fill the term of James W. Stillman, who resigned in protest after the Wyoming territory past inequality bill in December 18 69. Morris's success proved wrong the naysayers who stubbornly insisted a woman could not manage equality without compromising her duties as a wife and mother. Within a year of her judicial term, women sat on a Wyoming jury for the first time. Wyoming's pioneering gains prompted noted activist Susan B. Anthony to call for Eastern women to migrate in Mass to the cowboy state. Although typified is a suffrage leader, Morris preferred to let her actions on the bench speak for her in pure Wyoming fashion, advocating in practice equal rights despite little formal education, Morris handled her South Pass city courtroom competently, proving that a woman could hold office and maintain or familial duties. Standing six feet tall, she ruled on 26 cases, not one of which was reversed on appeal