Spider drug test

Video Narration


A phony advert for the Canadian Wildlife Federation regarding a scientific experiment involving dosing spiders with various drugs to observe how the substances may affect their web-building.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the wood spiders the most accomplished of all the web building species. Recently. In a lab study, scientists gave each of these spiders a different psychoactive drug in order to observe the effects on their behavior and the manner in which they build their webs. When given a minute dose of LSD, the spider built a web with an unfamiliar minimalist structure. When another spider was given a dose of caffeine, it did not affect the structure of the web. However, the spider was observed to move about on its web in an unusual rocking motion. Another spider was given a little THC. Now this spider built a hammock out of its web and it laid there all day watching the caffeinated spider nearby rock and roll. Now another spider was given alcohol. This spider made it with another spider and they raised over 100 young. But the female spider that the male spider given alcohol mated with got a restraining order against him. He can no longer crawl within 100 cm of the female spider's web which she appropriated from him. Another spider was given cocaine. Now this spider decided that building webs was for Sakas. Now he moved in with the female spider who had dumped the alcohol spider. When the alcohol spider came home one day in spite of his restraining order to try and win his wife back, he was shot in the ***. If this has happened to a spider you know please contact the Canadian wildlife federation in Ottawa