Commercial Demo - Talk Time Studios

Television Ad


Commercial Demo - Talk Time Studios

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Gerber brains grins and giggles to that time. No fuss, no tears. Just find washes, shampoos and lotions with gentle natural ingredients but cuddly soft skin. So it's two in the morning and you're starving. Nothing in the fridge and nothing in the cabinets. You don't even have dog biscuits hanging around. You think about cooking. But then you remember the three alarm fire you started last time. You try using the stove. Well, check out 7 11. If you could take the smoothness of white velvet and freeze it, put all of summer in tow one strawberry and turn the sweetness of your first kiss into a ribbon of fudge. You'd have Haagen dies. It's just perfect. Send over a beer that's less likely to get sent back. 100% important hops. Give Mikel ope light a remarkable, smooth, satisfying taste. So if it ever does get sent back, at least you know it wasn't beer. Kids hate the word. No, as in No, you can't stay up late. No, you can't have more ice cream. And no, you may not paint the cat. No, no, no. Uh huh. Well, isn't it time for Yes, We think so. Six Flags. Great adventure. Yes. If you've been hurt in a car accident or any kind of accident, you need a lawyer are lawyers could help you get money. Call the lawyers group at 1 806 77 2020. Speak with a lawyer in your neighborhood for free. Thank you for listening to my commercial demo. I'm Tia Marie Beverly.