Activist Group: Inspirational: Anonymous

Profile photo for Tiara Martinez
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This project was for an activist group based in New York, City.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we're often inclined to view what we see, reflecting back at us as an inherent truth as something that was destined to be. But what looks back is not fate, nor is it forever. It's the some of the steps that you've taken. The art of breakthrough. I can because I believe I can. There is solace in the thought that real and make believe are separated only by the imagination. That being stuck is a decision and nothing more. The art of innovation, the calling card of the future. Today is not a continuation of yesterday. It's the beginning of tomorrow's masterpiece, The art of creation. Our life is the creation of our mind and you are not confined but empowered because the gate is always unlocked and the sky is always calling the art of impact. The possibilities are endless. Once we decide to act, see the world as it expands and contracts with your view of it. If you can just see what you have, if you can just know what you are. The art of insights. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom, the dead ends and failed narratives would fall silent. The art of change be the change you wish to see in the world. You are the solution to any problem, capable of picking up yesterday's pieces in rear aging, a very different reflection for tomorrow. one that is unstoppable. Understanding the past to be a light of hope for the future. The art of advocacy, social justice, listening, connecting storytelling, amplifying mentorship, leadership, caring, collaborating community, the art of possibilities