Unicorn Jazz: Narrator, Mother, Child, Buddy, Warm, Friendly, Upbeat



Sample from Unicorn Jazz Audiobook by Lisa Caprelli
This clips shows my Narrator Voice, Mother Voices, female child unicorn, raspy crow friend
*Also Editing, Mixing, Mastering, Sound effects
Narrator, Mother, Child, Buddy, Warm, Friendly, Upbeat, Sweet, Kind, Playful, Calming, Soothing

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Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I am so different. I don't think anyone will like me. Her mother sang the unicorn jazz song to make jazz feel better. Be happy with your light. You are bold, You shine so bright, a golden ray, you're my sunshine. Let nothing give you fright. You are strong. Your heart is kind and everyday. You're my heart's to lie. Jazz was worried and scared with grace. Her mother said you should love what makes you unique. You are adorable and you can sing better than anyone. I know. Jazzy girl. Jazz was so worried about going to school and not making any friends that she wandered into the mountains by herself. There were no friends to play with in this new place. Jazz felt sad and alone. Jazz wanted to feel happy. So she sang the song. Her mother taught her as she was singing. A bird flew down. He was not like other birds. His feathers were black and white and not at all colorful. Look at you. You have a beautiful voice, he said in a raspy voice. Jazz was surprised. Thank you. Who are you? She replied, bashfully. Only her momma had ever said nice things about her voice. My name is wolf. I am a crow. I know you must be thinking, who would take a name like wolf seriously? I have a name that a dog should have. Wolf continued to stare at Jazz and said, You, my dear are an amazing singer. Your voice is so, so magical. What I wouldn't give for a voice like yours stunned! She replied, I don't think I'm magical. Really? The other animals don't understand me because I look different. Hmm. Well, you do have a lot of beauty and color. You know, said wolf. You have a strong, glorious horn. You sing more beautifully than any other bird I've ever heard. Jazz smiled ear to ear. The other birds do not think I am like them, said Wolf, but that does not stop me from being who I want to be. I have a great memory too. Listen to me. I'm your song instantly. Wolf hummed the exact tune that jazz just sang moments before. Be happy with your light. You are bold, you shine so bright and golden ray, You're my sunshine. Like nothing. Give you fright, You are strong. Your heart is kind and everyday you're my heart's delight. You are very smart wolf. I see what makes you unique. Now. Jazz was happy. She found a friend.