2023 Radio & TV Commercial Demo - Friendly, Colloquial, Fun & Poignant

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Ads in North American & British English for Phillips 66, Subway, DefensiveDriving-dot-com, Diamond Shamrock, The Maids, Crazy José's Mexican Restaurant, PSAs for Stroke & HIV awareness. Ages teen-middle aged. Serious, genuine, wacky, warm, excited, endearing, funny, charming, cheerful, whimsical.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Meet Cindy. C. I. N. D. Y. That's me! Wondering what to wear to C101 Sea sculptures this year? Same as last year. Bathing suit. Duh. I got a traffic ticket, but I really didn't want to waste a weekend sitting in a classroom. Then I heard about defensive driving dot com. Hi, Joey, it's Melissa. Oh, hi, Melissa. So how do you like Corpus? It's great. Oh, Joey! Trust The Maids. With our patented backpack vacs, I can remove 99.9% of all dust and allergens... And this sculptural piece has the elegant lines one would associate with a Miro or perhaps a Degas. I think it looks more like a thing-a-ma-bob. Au contrere, it's a classic whatcha-ma-callit. My dad, he just collapsed and can't move his right side. Is he breathing? I think so. Dad, talk to me! His speech is slurred. What's wrong with him?! Dear Crazy Jose's management, I understand that you've received a flood of letters from people puzzled by the name of your restaurant. During out recent visit, we didn't see anyone there who even remotely resembled crazy. Ah, that was fantastic. That was to die for...