Multi-Accent variety reel late 2019 - Toby Ricketts British, US, Neutral, New Zealand, Australian

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This demo takes you through a selection the different accents and styles of read performed by Toby Ricketts. From British, to Standard American, to New Zealand and Australian as well as a mid-atlantic or Neutral style. Also showcased are a variety of styles such as smooth, natural and relaxed, to authority, gravitas and impact.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) New Zealand North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we live in a sea of blue with first ray of morning sunlight meeting our eyes. Was it madness? No, it was wished world ultimate online shopping experience. So we remain unbound to create the next big thing. Ver tive architect of continuity. Wherever your mission takes you, communication is critical. It's essential to everything you do so you can bravely explore uncharted territories. Raise your hand if you want pure freedom in the Heartland of New Zealand at the core of every idea at the end of every day. Little John Michael no, in setting out to manufacture the best goods that ingenuity and money could produce, his idea would ignite a century of progress, revolutionised the whole and become a global lifestyle brand. Who knows how the face of an 800 year old lady looks like eyes. Anyone so bold as to tell the stories run through the falls on her skin? Where would they begin? Over the last 10 years, numerous scientific studies have shown that brain stimulation is an effective method for treating depression. So how does it work? Northern Australia's tropical climate brings riches and rain that could support further development, but a lack of fine scale data has constrained investment confidence. But now this is changing. Take a look. Take a closer look. If you want the prototype, if you want to know one alike, then you are BMW individual.