Tom Gallagher Commercial Demo

Radio Ad


I have a deep American male voice, a whisper quiet studio, and great equipment to provide you with professional voice overs quickly and at very competitive rates; This demo highlights my voice on various commercial recordings. See also my documentary demo

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
from the F 1 50 to the ranger. Nobody builds them tougher. But these trucks aren't just built for tough built for its safe old foods market food from a happy place. Now in a closer place, a doubleheader calls for A. D. Q. Cheeseburger lovers deal D. Q. Happy taste, good at essential health. Our team approach is more connected, more convenient and designed to fit your life, not the other way around. Come into interstate all battery center and get charged up for spring. You'll find all the batteries you need to enjoy the great outdoors. The benefits of triple A membership help you in more ways than you can add up. What did you expect from a company that's been helping people for over a century. The future is arriving and it isn't coming in with a bang. It's coming in a white truck with blue letters that say media one through a wire called broadband. Not very catchy but electricity didn't sound like much either. We rise to the challenge because we're indiana's University