Commercial Demo - conversational, fun, informative

Profile photo for Tonya Marie Casey
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Three different commercials that highlight different styles of my voice (whether it be informing someone on how to find a new apartment or encouraging someone to have fun while driving their brand new car)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
at almond breeze. We only use California grown blue diamond almonds in our almond milk and we're proud of that, but the whole carrying and nurturing part, that idea we borrowed from nature. Blue diamond almond breeze, the best almonds make the best almond milk. Do you need a new place to live? Apartment guide dot com? Can help you search for your own space with more listings, more floor plans and more photos than any other website. Visit us at apartment guide dot com and let us find your place today. There's something new under the sun. A quick way to catch a few rays this year. The ford mustang LX convertible is more fuel efficient than ever, so you can spend less time at the pump and more time fueling your spirit. Just drop the top and get set for a sun shining performance with the mustang LX. Have you driven a ford lately?