Inspirational Audiobook Sample - Inspirational, Informative, Warm

Profile photo for Tonya Marie Casey
Not Yet Rated


Sample of an audiobook about mindfulness

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Do you find yourself plagued by errant thoughts that bombard your mind before you fall asleep? Do your thoughts keep you awake for hours? It's happened to me time and time again and it's so frustrating even when you start to fall asleep. I bet sometimes those worrying little thoughts infiltrate your minds and created anxious scenarios within your dreams. The results you wake up feeling more exhausted than when you went to bed. I decided to write this book because there is a very real need for it. Through my own personal experiences. I was horrified to realize that I had absolutely no control of the thoughts that were damaging my life. These thoughts whispered in my ear and made me stressed, worried, doubtful and irritable. You know what I was acting irrationally as a result. So this book is about how you can stop those stray and damaging thoughts. It's about how to understand why your mind races and turns against you. It's about giving you back control. You might think it's impossible to stop your mind racing like a runaway train. But if you want to sleep better at night, you'll try negative inner dialogue that runs amok with or without your knowing can be really annoying. But worse it affects who you are as a person and how you approach life. Once any niggling thoughts are restrained, your mind will be super clear. Plus you'll be able to combat daily problems with greater ease. I am sharing the solution to this with you because I know that left unchecked anxiety can and does infiltrate every part of your life