Instructional Audiobook Sample - Friendly, Informative, Authoratative

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Friendly and informative read of an audiobook on dog training

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Unlike adults, dogs puppies in their 1st 6-8 months of life require consistent supervision and they'll continue to need a significant time commitment from you well into their adolescence in a natural pack, puppies are constantly being watched and corrected by the adults in their lives and are never alone for long periods of time. This doesn't mean you have to be with your puppy 24/7 for eight months. The reality of our human lives means we have to teach a puppy to master something that is completely unnatural for him, and that is to be left alone. Proper crate training at an early age can successfully accomplish this and prevent the separation anxiety issues that I see in my work almost every day. I'll address both crate training and separation anxiety in Chapter four. But bringing home a puppy does mean that you should be open to rearranging your family schedule for a while, puppies also need regular stimulation through play. And if you don't have another dog to undertake that task for you, you run the risk of an idle mind getting into trouble when you're not paying attention.