Dragon Castors

Profile photo for Tra'vien Kelly
Not Yet Rated


Video Game short about the Dragon Castors origin

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Eastern European (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
all was well on planet Dinos for many ages. However, the core of the planet, which gave life and power to the magical creatures, began to corrode. All creatures found themselves affected even the godlike race of dragons. The dragon god Dugan, who stood at the pinnacle of knowledge and power, devised the plan to save the dying planet. He approached the kingdoms of elves and humans who sought the same splendor as the dragons. Dugan created a new magic to merge souls. He devised that elves and humans could gain the immortality and wisdom by becoming dragons themselves. These new few souls would become known as dragon casters. These dragon casters would have to prove their worth and fortitude. Fighting to survive the test was relentless and forced the soul to repeat the cycles of life. Until finally, these dragon casters could be true dragons.