

Urban/ Black/ African American
Audio Book Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter one. Dan Love, Russia, northeast of Moscow. Bonnie's biggest flaw as a CIA special agent was obvious. She was too damn fine. Not that it mattered much, and she didn't want you to see her. You wouldn't. That's Alice. Smoking hot black Queen like her was able to easily sneak into Philip Clicks Russian Development facility for developing whatever the **** evil ****, Americans have to sneak off to Russia to develop Chapter one. The Beginning. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, as Rachel Reynolds, daughter of Willis Minor and Anna Reynolds. I was born a *******, as many kids from my neighborhood were. My life. Is was some would call a work of art or a blessing of God. At night, we were able to high from what the world clearly saw during the day. But evil does its best work at night, targeting those no one chose to see in the daylight. My earliest memory is sitting in my grandmother's home, wondering what had happened to my own home, the home my mom and I had shared and at which my father would show up a few nights a week. I was in the second gray, the age when many kids start to gain an understanding about life in their surroundings. While deep in thought about the loss of the only home I had ever known. I knew in that moment that I would be a businesswoman in corporate America with a career that would erase the fear of losing my home, a new that I would grow up and become a provider. Chapter one. Why are you guys picking to me? Ebony cruise through her hands up from her laptop and waved them at the ceiling. She was a writer of hot erotic romances, and their characters were not cooperating. Abbey, the heroin, refused to speak to blaze her would be hero. Instead, all she wanted to do was to jump his bones. Not that Ebony had anything against her heroine jumping her heroes bones, but haven't they already had sex inside an elevator on page one? You have to talk about it, Ebony said. And no, you cannot have elevators sex again from that elderly couple, the preacher and his wife, who walked in on you were scandalized