Agent Base Control



Irish based contact agent conversing with ground agent, reassuring, affiriming mission objectives.
Styles in demo:
1. Conspiratorial, colloquial, in close contact
2. younger, removed , support from further afield
3. Deeper more authorative

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
affirmative. How do you feel, Liam? Locally, And you don't have to worry about that. This feeling is only caused by the surcharge of energy going through your nerves on your neurons. It's gonna be over in an instant. Anyway. Liam, tell me, do you have any other questions concerning the mission? You weren't very toll. Could have been there, Was it the people making you nervous? Well, you probably want to say they don't look like honest scientists. Anyway, I don't know myself to be honest. Look, Liam, it's the boss who chosen for the mission. I already told you that this mission has many objectives. One of them, Mr Rescue Lisa. But the boss also insisted we have to take those chemical samples from that factory. You might be rice, but remember what I taught you. Affirmative. How do you feel, Liam? You don't have to worry about that, Liam. This feeling is only calls by the surcharge of energy going through your neurons under nerves. It'll be over in an instant. Affirmative. How do you feel, Liam? You don't have to worry about that, Liam. This feeling is caused by the surcharge of energy going through your neurons under nerves. It'll be over in an instant. This Liam, do you copy? Affirmative. How do you feel, Liam? I feel I feel a little dizzy. I'll never get used to that feeling. Look, you don't have to worry about that, Liam. This feeling is caused by the surcharge of energy going through your neurons. And you're nervous. It's going to be over in an instant. I hope so. I don't know how I'll be able to survive with my head spinning during the trip. Was it the people in there making you nervous?